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Growing discontent with online dating

Online dating is a very convenient and laid back way to meet people far and near. The traditional way of meeting someone has been for a long time to get introduced by a friend, go to bars or singles parties. People also meet at work, sports clubs, supermarkets, libraries, at school, etc. By all accounts, these methods have one thing in common, a close proximity between the people involved. If your lifestyle precludes or limits your participation in the listed activities, or you are new in a place and have no friends yet, then your dating life also takes a hit.

Then came the Internet and bulletin boards for social interractions. Before long, the Net was being used to meet people in the local area. Eventually, Internet dating exploded into what it is today, which is an elaborate message exchange system, chatting forums, and a place to socialise worldwide.

There is no shortage of dating websites today both big and small. But is online dating working? What is the level of contentment among users of dating web sites? Online dating reviews, and discussion forums show that there is increasing discontent, and utter frustration expressed by people dating via the Internet.

One of the biggest reasons for this is the fact that there is a disproportionate number of men using the sites compared to women. The actual ratio is a subject of research, but by all indications, there is quite a number of males to each female. The imbalance means women are flooded with a lot of mail on a daily basis. Considering the amount of effort required to read each and every mail, many women are overwhelmed, and so simply delete the mails without reading them. Because of this situation, many men do not receive responses from the people they contact.

In general, women are frustrated as a result of the sheer volume of mail that fill up their mailboxes. While men are frustrated because their mails are mostly ignored.

Unless something is done about the current method of online dating, the frustration expressed by users will continue to grow as more and more people come online. This is where comes in. Let's consider the problems, and what Oasisoflove has done to address each one.

Women receive more mail than they can handle. Therefore, they simply delete most of them. To correct this, Oasisoflove has built a comprehensive mail filtering system. On most dating sites, anybody can contact anybody else. On, you as a user can define the characteristics that someone must have in order to be able to send you a message. Why haven't other dating sites thought about this before? The fact is, they have. Unfortunately, it's not in their financial interest to curtail messaging. Being able to send messages to anyone anywhere gives false hope to a user, who would then gladly pay the membership fees. on the other hand puts the interest and satisfaction of the user first.

The next problem has to do with people deciding not to reply to messages they receive. A user can do this with impunity on other dating sites. To combat this, has introduced a tracking system that not only keeps a record of what percentage of messages a user has responded to as a ratio of total messages ever received, it also tracks your average response time.

This is a powerful feature that has the potential of eradicating the bad behavior among users in terms of not responding to messages. Basically, if a user sees your record as somebody who responds to most messages you receive, and you do so in a timely manner, the user is more likely to contact you over another user who takes a very long time to reply to messages or perhaps hardly replies to messages.

One way that users may defeat this system would be to simply open every message they receive, and send a short meaningless reply. has also anticipated this, and has a solution. The system tracks the number of characters on average a user sends in his or her responses. That should encourage people to send good replies, and promote deeper interraction. Furthermore, there is a tracking of percentage of messages opened, and invariably, percentage ignored without being read.

One of the challenges online dating presents to users is physical attraction. In a face to face meeting, a person's physical features is the first thing you see before making the next move to approach that person. Unfortunately, it's the exact opposite online. This problem is compounded by the fact that many profiles lack the usual mugshots. In order to encourage people to add photos to their profiles, profiles with photos have higher priority in searches. Profiles without pictures would only show up after all picture profiles have been displayed.

Let's face it, finding someone compatible with you is not easy. So a person must be prepared to work toward achieving that goal, part of which includes making the effort to show people what you look like. Of course, some people have legitimate reasons to remain annonymous online. In that case, allows upload of private photos. is the number one dating site that has seriously set out to promote positive interraction among users, and hopefully lead to a higher level of satisfaction. User satisfaction is's primary concern, in order to restore the appeal and efficacy of online dating.

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